support us

Whether it’s volunteering to work on a production or sponsoring the foundation, we would love your support!

Photo by Robin Straaijer



If you have a passion for performing arts and want to share your skills with us, we’d love to hear from you! We welcome volunteers from all disciplines and have no doubt that for everything that needs to be done for both the foundation and productions, we can definitely use your help! Contact us and let us know what you are interested in and we’ll definitely find a way for you to help out.



For those interested in sponsoring or partnering with The Cauldron, please reach out to discuss further opportunities. For sponsors, we offer promotion opportunities in our performance programs, on our website and to our students and cast members.

For partnerships, we’d love to hear your proposal of how we can work together!

Make a donation.

In the words of the characters in Avenue Q, “Give us your money!”

Any donations to The Cauldron will be put towards production costs, including paying the artistic team and interns fairly as well as costumes, sets, and anything else it takes to make a show! Putting on a musical takes a lot of funding and while we are applying for different funds, we will also be crowdfunding next to that. If you would like to donate to something specifically, please reach out to us and we will make sure your donation is applied where you want it to go!